Friday, 8 May 2015

By the way, when it comes to costs of property in Spain

... it's sometimes a matter of days.

This month saw a very favourable British Pound to Euro rate.

For a property of 20.000 to 100.000€ (*) that can obviously result in quite a difference.
With as result again that some home owners in Spain start to increase the price.
Ergo: sometimes it pays off to be very quick.
Bookmark our site to always be aware of the latest bargains and opportunities.
(*) In the last 3 months 80% of our sales were for homes costing less than 100,000 Euros (or 72,000 GBP).


  1. I think would be a good idea to buy a house in Andalucia to spend the summer holidays with my children. my mother likes andalucian landscapes and their traditional food.

  2. We surely do think so, Mike!
    Thank you for your visit - and you know we're here for you when you've got questions about buying a house in Andalusia.
